AMEB exam preparation tip #4

Is that Liszt next door?

For many, warming up before an exam is a crucial part of the process and for some it’s the opportunity to focus on some last minute trouble spots or to calm the nerves with a steady run-through of the technical work. Multiply this by 10 candidates and the result is a cacophony of sound with a running competition for the loudest, fastest, and most impressive playing. Refrain from comparing yourself to others and showing off your inner Franz Liszt by instead trying some slow practice or finding a quiet place to focus. Don’t waste your precious energy trying to impress the candidate in the practice room next door – save it for the examiners.

This post is taken from an AMEB article.

AMEB exam preparation tip #3

DON’T rely on “Red Bull wings”.

Wings are handy when you’re late, stuck in traffic, or headed to Neverland, but  not so much in the exam room. What do we mean? Caffeine and similar stimulants alter your body chemistry and can leave you feeling jittery and unfocused, particularly when combined with performance adrenaline. They’re also used as a pick-me-up when you haven’t had enough sleep the night before. Give yourself the best chance by making sure you arrive at the exam room well rested, and rely on examination nerves to give you that extra buzz rather than a can of chemicals!

This post is taken from an AMEB article.